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Broward Technical Centers
Expand your mind and your future... |
Maybe a traditional college isn't for you.
Maybe you're looking for something different, something that can give you the hands-on training you need to start a career making great money sooner.
Maybe a technical school is where you belong.
Broward offers you three great technical schools that offer you just that!
Jump ahead to:
Atlantic Technical Center |
Mc Fatter Technical Center |
Sheridan Technical Center |
Take a moment to read the FAQ's below to determine if a technical school is for you. |
Why a technical center? |
Broward's three technical centers are state-of-the-art, fully accredited, public institutions training the future workforce of the tri-county area. Our programs provide hands-on training by licensed certified instructors. |
What programs do the technical centers offer? |
Our technical centers offer a wide variety of workforce development programs in the area of Adult Education, Automotive, Building Trades, Business, Child Care, Commercial Vehicle Driving, Communication Technology, Cosmetology, Culinary Arts, English for Speakers of Other Languages, Fire Science, Marine, Health Science, Industrial Technology, Information Technology, Medical Technology, Public Service, and Transportation Technology. Our programs are offered on a full-time or part-time schedule and we offer day, evening or Saturday classes. |
Who may attend? |
Enrollment is open to students who have the desire to obtain a quality education in the technical areas. Students with special needs are accommodated through our Exceptional Education Specialist. Our centers also provide opportunities for high school students in either a Magnet High School/Academy Program or as Share-time students. Non-U.S. resident students may apply as International students with the correct documentation as required by the Department of Homeland Security. |
How do I enroll at a center? |
Prospective students are invited to attend an orientation and information session at a center at which time they will be assessed with a basic skills exam. Test requirements vary by program. There is a $5.00 fee for testing. Students must also provide proof of Florida residency, valid picture identification and have a social security or student I.D. number. After the orientation and testing, students will meet individually with their advisor to complete the registration process and determine when they can be enrolled in their program. |
Is there any career and educational advisement? |
The technical centers have counselors and advisors that can help determine the best career for you. |
What is the deadline for enrolling? |
The centers will accept new students every nine weeks based on availability of the class. The centers follow the same calendar as the Broward County Public Schools. |
How much does it cost to attend school? |
Fees vary according to the hours of training for each program. The cost of programs range from $500 to $6,000. Payments are divided into a nine-week payment plan. (See a course Schedule). |
Is financial aid available? |
The centers work with federal grants and state trust funds. There is also financial assistance available through many agencies, scholarships, and other grant programs. Students are provided information on how to apply for financial aid and how to find other sources at the time of orientation and interviews. Students must maintain a “C” average and good attendance to remain eligible for financial aid. |
What does a student's day look like? |
Students spend the majority of the day with one teacher. Part of the day is lecture and the other part of the day consists of hands-on training. Many programs have on-the-job training and/or internships. Class hours vary according to programs with full-time students usually attending five to six hours per day. Some classes are available evenings and on Saturdays. |
Can I transfer to another center or college? |
Our programs are competency-based. Some of the programs have a partnership with Broward Community College, and the students will be given up to 27 credits toward their Associate of Science Degree for their training at the technical centers in these specific programs. The programs are transferable to other public technical centers. |
Is there job placement? |
Job placement assistance is available to all registered and former students who are seeking full-time employment after training or part-time employment while attending school. |
What's next? |
Your next step would be to attend an orientation session and take the TABE test. After the testing, you will arrange to see your advisor to begin your journey on your educational path. We look forward to working with you. |
Jump to: |
Mc Fatter Technical Center |
Sheridan Technical Center |
Atlantic Technical Center
4700 Coconut Creek Pkwy.
Coconut Creek, FL 33063
Phone: 754-321-5100
Web: AtlanticTechCenter.com |
Located on a beautifully landscaped, thirty-acre campus in Coconut Creek , Florida , Atlantic Technical Center is a public, secondary and post-secondary institution operating under the authority of the School Board of Broward County, Florida, and the Florida Department of Education. ATC first opened its doors in 1973 to 450 students in 11 programs of instruction. |
Over the years, four major construction phases have been added to help the center keep pace with program expansion, community growth, & labor market demands.Today, more than 5,000 students attend classes offered days, evenings, and Saturdays.
The twenty buildings and the portables on campus house classrooms, labs, offices, and support services for over forty Certificate and Applied Technology Diploma programs, many continuing workforce education courses, and the Magnet High School . Programs are concentrated in 8 high-demand occupational clusters:
- Automotive Technology
- Building Trades
- Business/Computer Technology
- Cosmetology
- Culinary Arts
- Health Sciences
- Metal Fabrication Technology
- Industrial Technical Education
For those who want to “earn-as-they-learn,” ATC provides cooperative training opportunities in many programs and coordinates the largest apprenticeship training program in the state.
Technical Magnet High School Designated a National Model School by the
International Center for Leadership in Education
Atlantic Technical High School's unique design allows students to become immersed in a rigorous and challenging learning environment, while capturing their interest in a variety of career focused electives. Students will earn a diploma with credentials surpassing the state requirements in academics, enabling them to be competitive in the college admission process. Technology is integrated into every aspect of the educational program fostering an innovative learning environment. Teachers encourage critical thinking, and employ diverse teaching methodologies. Small class size allows for personalization among students, teachers and parents. In addition, students have the opportunity to earn certification in a technical program of study. Atlantic offers a wide array of technical programs from which students select their junior and senior year electives. The program selection process is thorough and precise, enabling all students to make informed choices.
The school design is based on the philosophy of Coalition of Essential Schools and High Schools That Work, two nationally recognized educational reform models of excellence.
The mission of Atlantic Technical Center's Technical Magnet High School is to promote excellence in academic, career and technical studies. |
Attend an Orientation and take a Basic Skills Assessment.
On Campus Orientation:
Go to Building 10, Room 206
Arrive at least 15 minutes early!
Orientations start on time!
There are no Orientations given on school holidays.
Orientation Schedule:
- Tuesdays at 8:15 a.m.
- Thursdays at 12:15 p.m.
- Wednesdays at 5:30 p.m.
(first and third Wednesday of the month)
Or Click here for online orientation
A student must have one of the following picture ID's to test:
- valid Florida Drivers License
- valid Green Card
- valid Passport
- valid Florida ID
- and/or a valid Military ID
Testing Schedule |
Please report to building 10 at least
15 minutes before the start time.
Doors will close at the beginning of each test session to ensure an uninterrupted test environment.
There are no tests given on Fridays or school holidays.
Testing Schedule
(Building 19, Room 279)
- Monday: 1:30 p.m.
- Tuesday: 9:30 a.m. and
4:00 p.m. to 5:45 p.m.
- Wednesday: 1:30 p.m.
- Thursday: 1:30 p.m.
- There is a $5.00 fee for initial testing
Steps to get started
1. Attend Orientation (online or in person) Applicants for technical programs must attend orientation either online or on-campus. 2. Take a Basic Skills Test and achieve required scores in reading, math, and language for entry into your chosen program. The State of Florida has mandated that all students enrolled in a postsecondary program consisting of 450 clock hours or more must meet a minimum basic skill level in reading, mathematics and language to receive their certificate at the completion of their program.
3. Wait 1-2 business days and come in to see a guidance counselor/program advisor at the school that offers the program you are interested in. Your guidance counselor/program advisor will tell you how you did on the test and what you should do next. At counselor/advisor interviews following testing, you will discuss your test results, program placement, special needs, financial aid, and registration procedures. Test scores are not given over the telephone.
4. Referrals to remediation in the Vocational Preparatory Instructions (VPI) Center are made if minimum basic skill levels have not been achieved.
5. Registration for postsecondary students is held five times annually (August, November, January, March and May), however, not all programs admit new students each term; please check with the counselor/advisor at the school where the program is offered for space availability.
Atlantic Technical Center reserves the right to ask any applicant to re-test to validate test scores.
Applications are accepted on a nondiscriminatory basis from anyone having the interest, ability, and desire to benefit from an occupational training program.
ATC admits those students who :
- have completed their secondary school education
- are past the minimum compulsory education age
- are high school students (through their high school guidance department)
- Pursuant to Florida Statute 295.125.(2), veterans are given preference within the enrollment process.
Basic Skills Requirements
The Florida Legislature has mandated that each adult student enrolled in a certificate/diploma program must meet minimum basic skills levels in reading, mathematics, and language arts in order to receive a Certificate of Completion or an Applied Technology Diploma.
Students not meeting the basic skills requirements will have the opportunity to receive appropriate instruction in order to achieve the required levels prior to completion of their programs.
Disabled Students
As an Equal Access/Equal Opportunity institution, students with disabilities will have equal access to all programs, activities and services, as described in Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
Method of Payment
Registration fees and tuition fees may be paid by cash, credit card, or local checks. If fees paid by check are refunded, the applicant must wait at least ten (10) days for processing the refund. The Center is not permitted to cash personal checks or accept checks under $25.
Refund Policy
- No refund can be made without the official receipt given at registration.
- School Board Policy 6607 governs the refund of program fees.
- There is no refund of the registration fee.
- Supply, insurance and tuition fees are refundable only during the first week of classes.
- If a class is canceled, a full refund of all fees, including registration, will be issued.
- All refund checks must be requested in person.
- Checks used to pay fees must clear the bank before a refund will be made (Allow at least 10 school days.)
Supplies purchased can be paid by credit card, debit card, or cash.
Parking and Visitors
Parking space is provided for students on the east, west, and south sides of the campus.
A parking registration hang-tag must be displayed on the rearview mirror. Tags are available in the Bookstore and the cost is included in the student activity fee. All tags are valid for the school year beginning July 1 and ending on June 30.
Visitors to the campus must first go to the Administration Office (Building #1) to sign the guest register and receive a visitor's badge. Visitors are not permitted in classrooms without prior approval.
Transportation is provided for all high school students by the School Board of Broward County. Broward County Transit Authority (public transportation buses) provides service to the campus on a daily basis.
Safety and Security
To ensure maximum safety and security, Atlantic Technical Center employs Security Specialists and off duty Broward County Sheriff's Officers who patrol the campus during class hours, day and evening. Cameras positioned around the campus provide 24 -hour surveillance.
Facilities for students who become ill are located in the Health Science Education area. Each laboratory / shop has emergency first aid supplies.
Parking is available on the east, west, and south sides of the campus. Visitors are welcome to park in any space except those designated for staff or handicapped.
To comply with the Jessica Lundsford Act, visitors are asked to sign in at the reception desk in Administration Building 1.
Building numbers are posted prominently on the sides of the buildings.
Parking space is provided for students on the east, west, and south sides of the campus.
A parking registration hang-tag must be obtained and displayed on the rearview mirror. Tags are available in the bookstore and the cost is included in the student activity fee. All tags are valid for the school year beginning July 1 and ending on June 30.
Designated"No Parking", "Staff Only" and fire lane areas must be observed and will be enforced by school security. |
Jump to: |
Atlantic Technical Center |
Sheridan Technical Center |
Mc Fatter Technical Center
6500 Nova Dr.
Davie, FL 33317
Phone: 754-321-5700
Web: McFatterTech.com
Our mission
Is to provide a safe and secure environment which fosters individualized intellectual focus, technical preparation and successful transition into postsecondary work or study. We strive to instill the attitudes and skills necessary to produce motivated, self-sufficient individuals who are able to function effectively in our ever-changing complex society. |
We, the faculty and staff of McFatter Technical Center and Technical High School, commit ourselves to providing a quality education for all students. The Center encourages academic and technical curiosity, innovation and creativity by providing rigorous academics and state of the art technical programs. Our postsecondary students are prepared to meet the challenges of a demanding local workforce, and our secondary graduates are equipped with the knowledge and skills for success in a four year university, a community college or an elected technical area. We reinforce our caring philosophy by setting common goals for all students while providing the personalization necessary to allow for flexibility in meeting their goals. We emphasize the importance of providing students with the tools to make them resourceful, analytical and productive members of society. As a technical center with a technical high school, we seek to meet the needs of students of all ages and to promote positive relationships among parents, students, teachers, businessleaders and all community stakeholders.
We believe:
*All students should master essential skills.
*Teachers should encourage students to learn by employing “student as worker” and “teacher as coach” strategies.
*Successful completion and graduation are based on an exhibition of mastery.
*The tone of the school should emphasize trust and decency among all members of the school community.
*A student's self worth is enhanced by positive and mutual respect that honors diversity.
*All students can learn through different strategies that accommodate their needs and abilities.
*All individuals should continuously enhance and upgrade their skills through continuing education in any of its many forms, including college level courses, in-service workshops, field experience, internships or industry visitations.
*All academic and technical endeavors should be of high quality and performance-based, whether the goal is a General Education Diploma, a high school diploma, or a technical certificate of completion.
*Any graduate seeking employment should receive the full benefits of our job placement specialist in locating an appropriate placement. |
Attend an orientation session and take the Basic Skills Assessment Test. These sessions are held every Tuesday or Thursday morning at 8:45 am, as well as Tuesday evenings at 5:45 pm. No appointment is necessary. Be sure to bring a picture ID (drivers license preferred) . Test Cost: $5.00 . It is a good idea to arrive 30 minutes before the start time.
Counselors/Program Advisors and other Student Services staff members assist prospective and current students with general information, career-related, school-related and personal issues. The general objective is to provide students with services necessary to make informed career choices and successfully complete their occupational education.
Exceptional Student Education
Our Exceptional Student Education (ESE) Specialist provides assistance to adult special needs students. All programs, campus organizations and activities and facilities are accessible to McFatter students with disabilities, allowing them to function as independently and effectively as possible while attending classes.
Placement Assistance
Follow-up is integrally related to occupational placement. At McFatter Technical Center, assistance is provided to current and former students in obtaining employment, enrolling in further education or a combination of these two. This requires careful assessment of the student's abilities, aptitudes and interests. Instructors work cooperatively with our Job Placement Specialist to ensure successful placement for McFatter's students.
Students who exit with marketable skills are subject to the follow-up process. The Florida Education and Training Placement Information Program (FETPIP) receives data from state and federal agencies which assists in identifying locations and areas of employment or continuing educational status of McFatter's completers and leavers. Broward school district personnel collect supplemental follow-up data.
The Student Services Director is responsible for coordinating McFatter's placement and follow-up process. Students are encouraged to seek employment assistance from their instructors, our Job Placement Specialist and from vacancies posted in the Job/Placement Center. |
Applications are accepted on a nondiscriminatory basis from anyone having the interest, ability, and desire to benefit from an occupational training program.
MTC admits those students who:
- have completed their secondary school education;
- are past the minimum compulsory education age;
- are high school students (through their high school guidance department);
- Pursuant to Florida Statute 295.125.(2), veterans are given preference within the enrollment process.
Basic Skills Requirements
The Florida Legislature has mandated that each adult student enrolled in a certificate/diploma program must meet minimum basic skills levels in reading, mathematics, and language arts in order to receive a Certificate of Completion or an Applied Technology Diploma.
Students not meeting the basic skills requirements will have the opportunity to receive appropriate instruction in order to achieve the required levels prior to completion of their programs.
Disabled Students
As an Equal Access/Equal Opportunity institution, students with disabilities will have equal access to all programs, activities and services, as described in Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
Method of Payment
Registration fees and tuition fees may be paid by cash or credit card.
Refund Policy
- No refund can be made without the official receipt given at registration.
- School Board Policy 6607 governs the refund of program fees.
- There is no refund of the registration fee.
- Supply, insurance and tuition fees are refundable only during the first week of classes.
- If a class is canceled, a full refund of all fees, including registration, will be issued.
- All refunds must be requested in person.
Supplies purchased can be paid by credit card, debit card, or cash. |
Parking and Visitors
Parking space is provided for students on the east, west, and south sides of the campus. A parking registration bumper/window sticker must be displayed on the rearview mirror. Tags are available in the Bookstore and the cost is included in the student activity fee. All tags are valid for the school year beginning July 1 and ending on June 30.
Designated "No Parking", "Staff Only" and Fire Lane areas must be observed and will be enforced by school security.
Visitors to the campus must first go to the Administration Office (Building #1) to sign the guest register and receive a visitor's badge. Visitors are not permitted in classrooms without prior approval. Visitors are welcome to park in any space except those designated for staff or handicapped.
Transportation is provided for all high school students by the School Board of Broward County. Broward County Transit Authority (public transportation buses) provides service to the campus on a daily basis. A free shuttle from the Tri-Rail station is located at Griffin Road and I-95 runs all day.
Safety and Security
To ensure maximum safety and security, McFatter Technical Center employs Security Specialists and a Broward County Sheriff's Officer who patrols the campus during class hours, day and evening. Cameras positioned around the campus provide 24 -hour surveillance.
Facilities for students who become ill are located in the Medical Technology building. Each laboratory / shop has emergency first aid supplies. |
Jump to: |
Atlantic Technical Center |
Mc Fatter Technical Center |
Sheridan Technical Center
5400 Sheridan St.
Hollywood, FL 33021
Phone: 754-321-5400
Web: SheridanTechnical.com |
In 1968 Sheridan Technical Center (STC) opened its doors on our beautifully landscaped 18- acre campus in Hollywood, Florida. Sheridan is the oldest of Broward County's three technical centers. As a Broward County Public School, STC offers postsecondary workforce development programs affording students the opportunity to gain skills in high wage, high demand occupational fields and compete successfully in the local employment marketplace. |
STC provides students full or part time training using the latest industry-approved technology and equipment. Our instructors are licensed and certified teaching professionals. To meet the needs of students preparing for occupations, 35 workforce development programs are offered, including 3 applied technology diploma programs and 32 vocational certificate programs.
A vocational certificate program is defined as a course of study that leads to one or more occupational completion points or clusters of vocational competencies that qualify a person to enter an occupation as delineated in the state curriculum frameworks. An applied technology diploma is a course of study that is part of a degree program, is less than 60 credit hours, and leads to employment in a specific occupation. Vocational credit only is awarded by STC, with college credit awarded to the student upon articulation to a community college.
Our Career Programs include:
- Automotive Technology
- Business Technology
- Cosmetology
- Court Reporting
- Early Childhood Education
- PC and Network Support
- Practical Nursing
- Surgical Technician
- Medical or Legal Admin Assisting
- Massage Therapy
- Medical Coder/Biller and Record Transcribing
- Teacher Assisting
- Commercial Heating and A/C Technology,
- Drafting
- Real Estate
STC's academic support programs provide instruction in GED Preparation, English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL), Adult Basic Education (ABE), and Vocational Preparatory Instruction (VPI).
Programs for high school students include Automotive Youth Educational Systems (AYES), Exceptional Student Education (ESE) Marketing, and the PASS program for autistic students. Other support services include the Career Assessment Center, Job Placement Assistance, and Financial Aid to qualified students.
At STC we continue to add a wide array of quality workforce development programs to meet the ever changing needs of our diverse student population and the current demands of business and industry. Emphasis is placed on excellence in instruction using teaching and learning techniques to reach all learning styles. |
Admissions Policy
Postsecondary Students
Applicants for technical programs must attend one of the departmental orientations which are scheduled on a weekly basis, or view our online orientation on the website and then come in to take the TABE test. Individual counselor interviews are scheduled following each orientation program to discuss test results, program placement, special needs, and registration procedures. Referrals to the Vocational Preparatory Instruction (VPI) Center are made if minimum basic skill levels have not been achieved. Registration for postsecondary students is held five times annually (August, October, January, March, and June). Secondary Students
Applicants must complete an Application for Technical Center Enrollment through their high school guidance counselor. The completed application is forwarded to Sheridan Technical Center along with a copy of the student's transcript. All high school applicants are scheduled for a counselor interview with their parents.Orientation Programs
Departmental orientation programs are scheduled on a weekly basis as listed below. Each session is limited to 45 participants. The orientation programs provide information pertaining to curricula, costs, entry requirements, support services, financial aid, and general institutional policies. Students may view an online orientation on the website and then come in to test. Basic skills testing is conducted immediately following orientation. For those individuals who cannot attend during the day, a generic orientation program is offered on Tuesday evenings from 6:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Photo identification and a $5.00 fee are required to participate in testing. Counseling and placement interviews with program counselors are scheduled following the orientation program.Orientation Schedule Information:
Registration Begins October 3, 2006Registration Hours:
Monday through Thursday |
8:00 am - 8:30 pm |
Friday |
8:00 am - 4:30 pm |
Saturday |
8:00 am - 11:30 am |
Monday through Thursday |
8:45 am - 12:00 noon |
Tuesday |
5:45 pm |
Classes Begin: Monday, October 23, 2006 Orientation Schedule:
Mondays |
Health Science Education |
Tuesdays |
Cosmetology, Culinary Arts, Massage Therapy, Barbering, Nails/Facials,
Family and Consumer Sciences/Teacher Assisting |
Wednesdays |
Business Technology, Court Reporting, Information Technology, Applied Industrial Technology |
Thursdays |
Automotive |
Students should arrive approximately 1/2 hour before orientation to fill out an application and register for the basic skills test. General Registration Information: Fee Information:
- Cost This Term: Fees include a $20 non-refundable registration fee, tuition, applicable lab fees, insurance fee for Medical Programs, and an annual $10 student activity fee.
- Fees listed are for Florida residents; non-resident fees are higher.
- Tuition and lab fees are subject to change by the Legislature and/or the School Board.
- There is a $5 cash fee for the initial standardized Basic Skills Assessment.
Photo ID and Social Security number are needed.
- Standard term length is 9 weeks.
- Prior to enrollment in a certificate program, students must attend an orientation and take a Basic Skills Assessment (OPTS 2010).
- Classes are subject to minimum enrollment requirements.
- Programs approved for Veteran's training are indicated by (VA).
- Continuing workforce education classes are offered for upgrade or enhancement of students' current skills and are indicated by (CWE).

