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This page is designed for students who are looking to earn service hours in the Coral Springs area |
For additional service hour opportunities throughout Broward |
To view the service hour guidlines and explanations of the different tiers |
If your organization is approved to offer student service hours and you would like to submit opportunities to be posted on Student Central please contact webmaster |
2015 |
Camp Central |
Camp Central is a nonprofit organization offering summer camp to the children in our community. Most of our students are from low income families so we are offering summer camp at a very low price. Which is why volunteers for our program are needed. We are offering many time slots and a variety of opportunities. Students will be assisting children with work, going on field trips, sports activities, art activities, etc….. Not only will they be earning hours for graduation but they will have fun too!.
Please contact me with any questions at 954-661-6196 or drucindabonds@gmail.com.
Cindy Bonds
Operation Manager |
FALL 2014 |
The Coral Springs Craft Guild |
The Coral Springs Craft Guild is putting on a fall craft show this month and we are in desperate need of volunteers to help unload and load a "pod" full of boxes, crates, display items, etc for the show. We are a medium size group of approx. 25 members (all nice women) who need a few "muscles" to help with unloading of a pod and re-loading of the pod after the show. Our show is being held at the LaQuinta Hotel on Oct. 9th and Oct. 11th, 2014 . We need help on Oct. 9th (Thursday) from 4:00pm to 7:00pm with unloading the pod and take into the ballroom. The pod is being placed in the parking lot at the hotel. We need help AFTER the show with re-loading the displays back into the pod on Oct. 11th from 5:00pm - 7:00pm . For more information please contact jatcmt2@bellsouth.net or call 954-899-4767 . |

City of Coral Springs |
Volunteer Services is a resource for residents of Coral Springs to get involved through volunteering in their community. Volunteer opportunities for high school students, adults and those who have been ordered by the court for a misdemeanor charge are available. Volunteer opportunities include but are not limited to on-going assignments, one day events, and responding after a disaster. Get involved through volunteering!
For more info please visit coralsprings.org/volunteer |

City of Coral Springs |
Volunteers are needed to assist with programs for our special needs population. Activities include bowling, dances, outings, etc. This is a fun and rewarding way to earn service hours!
Contact: Megan Gaudet at 954-345-2208 or PKMRG@coralsprings.org
*NOTE: All volunteers must first complete a volunteer for |

Police Dept. & Fire Dept.
Contact Larry Archacki at 954-346-1394 if you'd like to earn service hours painting fire hydrants throughout the city.
*NOTE: All volunteers must first complete a volunteer form
Healthy Mothers, Healthy Babies
Coalition of Broward County |
We are a
non-profit organization with a mission to reduce infant mortality by providing resources and education to pregnant women, parents, and their
families. Improving parent-child interactions and relationships!
HMHB of Broward has a new program called Helping Hands for Healthy
Babies that was designed to provide the youth of Broward County with an
opportunity to earn community service hours while gaining hands-on
experience. It teaches students how to work in teams and it helps them
discover the value of philanthropic work (compassion and making a
difference in the lives of others).
For more information please visit http://www.hmhbbroward.org
or call 954-765-0550 |

C.S. Student
Council |
Coral Springs Student Advisory Council (SAC) is looking for teens who want to earn service hours assisting in teen production. Are you interested in planning events such as teen concerts and social gatherings? If so, contact Jacqueline Holloway at 954-345-2204 or email pkjkg@coralsprings.org
*NOTE: All volunteers must first complete a volunteer form

4 Children's
Sake |
4 Children's S.A.K.E., Inc. is a 100% volunteer, 501(C)3, not for profit organization located in North Lauderdale. We've been providing a variety of services for abused, neglected and abandoned children housed in foster care homes, shelters and centers throughout the county, since 1984. Since misfortune is never discriminatory, neither are we. The children we serve represent all walks of life, religious backgrounds and nationalities. |
We are an organization of approximately 130 volunteers. Our volunteers are also a very diverse group of people, but they all share one common thread...they care deeply for the children we serve. We operate year round, offering different programs and services throughout the year. |
We are in constant need of more volunteers. We have a large variety of areas where students can earn service hours, and can accomodate students looking to earn 20 hours as well as students looking to earn 100+. We can also accomodate students looking to earn hours during the week after school, or in evenings or weekends. |
For more information please contact Barbara Haley at 954-721-6206. |

C.S.Police &
Fire Explorers |
Did you know that besides having fun and getting a taste of what it's like to be a firefighter or police officer, participating in the Coral Springs Police OR Fire Explorers programs can earn you service hours? For more information, visit the Police Explorers page or the Fire Explorers page. |
Broward Center for the Performing Arts |
OK, so it's not so close to Coral Springs, but it's a great opportunity...
The Broward Center has a growing number of teens volunteering and earning service hours, and is always looking for more. Volunteers are able to get up close
to big shows and big talent, which they're saying is a great thrill!
There are so many different days, times, and volunteers jobs available at the Broward Center that there's bound to be something that can fit into your schedule.
For more information call 954-468-2684 or visit BrowardCenter.org.

Horses & the
Handicapped |
Horses & the Handicapped, which is the group who maintains the horses and ponies at Tradewinds Park, is looking for student volunteers. |
HORSE HANDLERS- these are people who know how to put the saddle and bridle on the horse, groom it and lead the horse in the class with a mounted student. |
SIDEWALKERS- these people walk on each side to stabilize the rider in the saddle. |
BARN HELP-these people clean stalls, groom horses, feed horses, and generally keep the barn clean. We of course give close instruction on all these efforts. |
The barn opens at 7:00 AM for feeding. Classes during the week start at 9:30 and run until 12:00 noon. We start back at 2:30 and run until 6:30. Saturdays we begin at 8:30 and run straight through to 5:00. Sundays there are no classes, but the horses must be fed and cleaned, so we need volunteers seven days a week. |
For more information, contact Volunteer Coordinator Prim Wood at 954-974-2007 or email prim@handhmagic.org. |

Care Source |
Care Source has a few regular openings for student service hours: |
PERSONNEL FILE RESTRUCTURE - Entails thinning client file to bring current, shredding outdated documents, restructuring and organinziing file after to bring current |
FILING - General filing for office |
ANSWERING PHONES - Monday - Friday afternoons - any variation of hours is needed - a couple hours one day a week to full schedule all week in afternoons - structure to student's schedule |
SHREDDING DOCUMENTS - A couple of hours |
UPDATE ON CALL BOOK FOR OFFICE - Entails reveiwing on call book that care manager uses on off duty hours in case of emergency - insurance info, contact info, medication info, etc. - the info in book needs to be verified with client database in office and updates need to be made if necessary, i.e.copy new insurance card and put in book, print out new face sheets with updated contact info, etc. |
TAKING INFORMATION FROM WEB MD AND PASTING DIAGNOSIS AND MEDICATION INFORMATION TO CLIENT's INTITIAL ASSSESSMENT NOTE - This is for the student who is good with the retreiving information from the internet and bringing that infomation to client database - specifically going to WEB MD site and looking up given diagnosis and medications prescribed from client's doctors and pulling that info over to paste in client's initital assesment note for database records. |
If there are high school students in a specific fast track looking for a future in social work, this office will be a perfect opportunity to experience and learn much about the social system, how it works in Broward County and what the needs of the community are. For more information please contact Lisa Hume at 954-720-2485 ext. 25 or email lhume@caresourcefl.org. |

Coral Springs
of Art |
The Coral Springs Museum of Art is actively looking for teens to serve as volunteers. Requirements for these positions include a love of art, people and the willingness to commit eight weeks of service at the museum. Volunteers will need to be available 2 to 3 hours per week. The role of our teen volunteers is to assist in many different capacities in the museum. Some of the areas may include assisting in:
*Art classes (Mon–Sat) |
*Family Fundays |
*Mailings |
*Tour guides & assistants |
*Summer art camps |
*Special events |
Pick up or download a volunteer application form and drop it off at the Coral Springs Museum of Art next to the public safety (police and fire) building. For more information call Judy at 954-340-5000.

Focal Point |
NorthEast Focal Point Volunteer Projects: |
Assisting with one on one or small group recreation projects, card playing, crafts, trivia, flower arranging, serving lunches, greeting participants in the a.m., answer phones, misc. office work. Many time slots available, especially after school hours. |
Volunteers needed to help assist customers, as well as sorting and organizing donations, register work and help with our Saturday sales from 7:30 am to 12 noon. |
Volunteers needed to help assist with special events, bake sales, holiday and theme parties, outing, gardening projects, leading discussion groups, leading arts & crafts & other classes, answering phones, teaching basic computer skills to seniors. |
Volunteers needed to assist with activities & games, reading stories, serving lunches & more. |
Volunteers needed to assist with small recreational projects, must be bilingual in Creole, Spanish or Portugese. |
If you have a particular skill or type of volunteering you especially like to do that does not fit in the above areas, we would like to speak with you about it and determine if it can be tailroed to our programs in a way that would benefit seniors. For more information contact Volunteer Coordinator Ilean Sylk at 954-480-4447.

Broward Library
Sunrise location
The Sunrise location of Broward County public libraries is looking for student volunteers. Volunteers must first contact the Volunteer Coordinator and go through an approval process. Once approved, students can begin earning service hours on an ongoing basis. |
Volunteers would be delivering SUNsational, customer-centric, high-quality, cost effective service and support. Assist with shelving books and library materials, as well as help with art projects and festivals. |
For more information, please contact Aura Jaramillo at 954-749-2521. |
Curtain Call
Playhouse |
Curtain Call Playhouse, Inc is a Touring Theatre company that performs in several venues in the tri-county area such as Boca Raton, Pompano Beach, Oakland Park, Miramar, Tamarac and Fort Lauderdale. |
We have several programs currently running including 6 Children's Drama Workshops that are currently preparing their children for their production of Aladdin. We also have 2 three week Drama Summer Camps where high school students can earn service hours immediately. |
In September of 2007 we'll also be looking for student volunteers to assist backstage with painting sets, gathering props, sending ut mailings, etc. |
If you are serious about volunteering and love drama and theater then we want to hear from you! For more information, please call 954-784-0768. |
