What's your sport?
Baseball * Softball * Basketball * Football * Soccer * T-Ball * Cheerleading *
Lacrosse * BMX * Roller Hockey
Below is the information as displayed in the
Coral Springs Parks and Recreation Sports Guide.
You'll find information on the city's park facilities, sports and youth related department phone numbers, sports registration information, and specific information about each athletic/sports club including website addresses, season dates, age groups, etc. |
Our Facilities
The City of Coral Springs operates the Teen Center in Mullins Park, which is open for middle and high school students daily. Special events and activities are regularly planned in addition to the Center's pool and air hockey tables, video game stations, computers, and a large screen television. Admission is free during regular hours, which vary by season. Call the Teen Center at 954-345-2198 for more information. |
Coral Springs Gymnasium
2501 Coral Springs Dr.
just north of Royal Palm Blvd.
at the south end of public safety building |
The Coral Springs Gymnasium is open daily from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. Call 954-344-5972 for a weekly update on current open play hours. There is a $3 admission fee to use the gym during open play hours. Coral Springs residents will receive a $2 discount with proof of residency. To find out more about upcoming activities, classes, and programs, visit the City's web site at www.coralsprings.org/recreation.
Coral Springs has 43 public parks on 675 acres, including five major athletic and recreational centers: |
Mullins Park
10000 NW 29 St.
just south of Sample Rd.
off Coral Springs Dr.
on the west side of public safety building |
Features: 62 acres, 5 basketball courts, 2 tennis courts, horseshoe pits, 8 football/soccer fields, 4 baseball/softball fields, volleyball, playground, BMX track, 3 picnic facilities (numerous picnic tables), concession stands, swimming pool, meeting rooms. |
Cypress Park
1301 Coral Springs Dr.
at Lakeview Dr.
just south of Royal Palm Blvd.
Features: 62 acres, 4-acre Wet Hammock, 8 tennis courts, 4 basketball courts, 5 baseball/softball fields, 4 football/soccer fields, volleyball court, playground, water park themed swimming pool, nature area, jog/walk trail, concession stand, grills and tables, picnic pavilion.
North Community Park
northeast corner of
Coral Springs Dr.
Westview Dr.
Features: 38 acres, 4 baseball/softball fields, 2 soccer, football and lacrosse fields, 2 tennis courts, 2 half basketball courts, volleyball court, covered playground, 3 picnic pavilions and a walking/jogging path. |
Betti Stradling Park
10301 Wiles Rd.
northeast corner of
Coral Springs Dr.
accross from C.S. Middle School
Features: 21 acres, Skate Park, Slide & Glide playground, 3 athletic fields, 2 basketball courts, 2 sand volleyball courts, 2 picnic pavilions, exercise stations, 1-mile asphalt walking/jogging path and large open play area. |
Slide & Glide - in Betti Stradling Park (above)
10301 Wiles Rd.
northeast corner of
Coral Springs Dr.
accross from C.S. Middle School
A dream come true for toddlers and elementary-aged children. Slide & Glide was just completely renovated, and boasts swings, slides, and a ton of hiding places. The hiding places, along with the nicest rubberized flooring a park could have, make "hide and go seek" the most popular game played there! |
Skate Park - in Betti Stradling Park (above)
10301 Wiles Rd.
northeast corner of
Coral Springs Dr.
accross from C.S. Middle School |
The City of Coral Springs Skate Park, located at the Betti Stradling Park, is now open. The Skate Park is located adjacent to the Slide and Glide playground at Betti Stradling Park, on the northeast corner of Wiles Road and Coral Springs Drive. Rollerbladers and skateboarders use the park to practice their skills on the various ramps, dips and bowls. Contests and professional demonstrations take place on occasion. There are bleachers at the park for spectators and parents to watch the skaters and bladers. |
on east side of Sawgrass Expwy.
between Royal Palm Blvd.
& Sample Rd.
Features: 180 acres, Aquatic Complex, Tennis Center, Incredible Ice, Dr. Paul's Pet Care Center Dog Park, as well as a playground, jog/ walking trail, picnic tables. |
The hours of operation at the Coral Springs Skate Park vary by season. Typical hours for the school year are Monday through Friday from 3-9 p.m., Saturday from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m., and on Sunday from noon to 9 p.m. Additional hours may be available during the summer. |
The park is available in three-hour sessions. This yearly membership fee for residents is $40, which includes insurance. The daily fee is $3 per session for members, and $7 per session for non-members. Members can purchase a ten-session pass for $25. To become a Skate club member, non-residents must have a Coral Springs non-resident card which is $155 per fiscal year per family, plus the $40 membership fee.
Sports leagues - get in the game! |
Programs For All The Seasons
The Parks and Recreation Department is proud to present a comprehensive sports program. Our unique mix of City management and community involvement is a successful in delivering quality sports programs. Come join the fun with the largest youth sports organization in the area while participating in your favorite sports throughout the year.
Along with your neighbors and friends, enter into the exciting team sports of basketball, soccer, baseball, softball, football, cheerleading, BMX, and roller jockey. Learn the fundamentals of each sport in an atmosphere that promotes recreational athletics and social growth.
Registration Information
All city programs are offered to Coral Springs residents and non-residents alike. However, residents are given first priority in programs that tend to fill up quickly. Registration information can be obtained at the Coral Springs Gymnasium, or through the City's website at www.coralsprings.org.
Non-residents are required to purchase a $155 Coral Springs Sports Participant card in order to registers for any recognized city sports program that does not rent a facility. Non-resident sports cards are good from October 1 through September 30 of the following year, regardless of purchase date. Non-residents sports cards are available for purchase daily at the Coral Springs Gymnasium, 2501 Coral Springs Drive. Any additional fees are included in each sports registration fees.
The Parks and Recreation Department also offers a variety of sports clinics throughout the year including baseball, basketball, football, roller hockey and soccer. For more information, call the Parks and Recreations office at 954-345-2200.
Remember to bring proof of age and residency when registering!
All areas west of 441/SR 7: west to Sawgrass Expressway, Royal Palm Blvd. north to Wiles Rd: Coral Ridge Dr. west to Sawgrass Expressway. Must be 7 years old by August 1 of the current year.
Leagues are divided accordingly to age and ability.
Farm I, 7 years old
Farm II, III, and IV, 8-9 years old
Little League, 10-12 years old
Junior League, 13 years old
Senior League, 14-15 years old.
Practice in February
Games March-May
Tournament June-July
November and December
All games will be played at Mullins Park
Parents are responsible for supplying their children with cleats (no metal) and a mitt. The league will supply all other necessary equipment.
All areas within City limits south of Royal Palm Blvd. and east of Coral Ridge Drive. Must be 7 years old by August 1 of the current year.
Leagues are divided according to age and ability.
Farm I, 7 years old
Farm II, III and IV, 8-9 years old
Little League, 10-12 years old
Junior League, 13 years old
Senior League, 14-15 years old
Practice in February
Games in March-May
Tournament June- July
November and December
All Games will be played at Cypress Park
Parents are responsible for supplying their children with cleats (no metal) and a mitt. The league will supply all other necessary equipment.
All areas north of Wiles Road to Sawgrass Expressway; State Road 7 (441) west to Sawgrass Expressway. Must be 7 years old by August 1 of the current year. Ages
Leagues are divided according to age and ability.
Farm I, 7 years old
Farm II, III and IV, 8-9 years old
Little League, 10-12 years old
Junior League, 13 years old
Senior League, 14-15 years old
Practice in February
Games in March-May
Tournament June- July
November and December
All games will be played at North Community Park
Parents are responsible for supplying their children with cleats (no metal) and a mitt. The league will supply all other necessary equipment.
Big League
For information regarding Big League baseball, contact the league in which you geographically live.
Coral Springs residents are given first priority. Ages
Leagues are divided according to age and ability.
T-Ball, 5-7 years old
Farm Team, 8-9 years old
Little League, 10-12 years old
Recreation and Competitive Juniors, 13-15 years old
Recreation and Traveling Seniors, 16-18 years old
Traveling Division plays to mid-December
June and May
All games will be played at Cypress Park and North Community Park.
Parents are responsible for supplying their children with cleats (no metal) and a mitt. The league will supply all other necessary equipment.
Men's Senior Baseball * 954-755-1500 |
Men must be over 30 years of age.
December and January
Games will be played at Cypress Park, Coral Springs High School, and North Community Park.
T-Ball * 954-345-2255 |
Coral Springs residents are given first priority.
4 1/2 to 6 1/2 years old. Players must be 4 1/2 at the start of the T-Ball season. Must be 5 years old by Aug. 1 of current year.
March 1-June 15
December and january
Non-competitive, everyone plays and bats, co-ed. All games are played at Mullins Park.
Challenger Little League * 954-345-9329 |
For mentally and physically challenged youth. Ages
6-18 years old
December and January
Practice in February
Games in March-May
Tournament in June-July
Games will be played at Mullins Park.
Coral Springs Residents are given first priority Ages
Boys 5-8
Girls 5-18
December and January; August
Games will be played at Betti Stradling Park. |
Woman's Softball * 954-345-2108 |
Must be 18 years old and out of high school. Non-residents are eligible. Season
January, August
Games will be played at Turtle Run Park
Men's Senior Soccer League * 954-341-4500 |
men must be over 30 years of age. Seasons
Through contact number above.
Games will be played at Cypress Park.
Recreational Soccer
Must be 5 years old by December 31 of the current year.
Boys and girls under 6, under 8, under 10, under 12, and under 14, Boys under 16 and under 19, and Girls under 16, and under 21.
August and September
Games will be played at Mullins Park & Cypress Park.
Coral Springs residents are given first priority. Ages
9-18 years old
Season (split)
December-February, Tournament in March; August-November; tryouts in September
June and September
Home games will be played at Cypress Park and North Community Park. Teams travel throughout Broward, Dade, and Palm Beach Counties.
Coral Springs residents are given first priority.
Boys 16 years old in high school
Girls 12-14 years old
Women over 18
March-April (includes playoff)
January and February
Games will be played at Mullins Park and the Coral Springs Gymnasium.
Coral Springs residents are given first priority.
Boys and girls
Grades 1-9
Maximum age 15
February or March
Games will be played at Mullins Park and the Coral Springs Gymnasium.
Coral Springs residents are given first priority.
Boys and Men ages 6-25
Girls and Women ages 6 and older
June to August
May and June
Games will be played at Mullins Park and the Coral Springs Gymnasium.
Coral Springs residents are given first priority.
Boys 16 years old in high school
Girls 12-14 years old
Women over 18
June and August
Games will be played at Mullins Park and the Coral Springs Gymnasium.
Coral Springs residents are given first priority.
Boys and girls 6-15 years old
Men over 30
September and October
Games will be played at Mullins Park and the Coral Springs Gymnasium.
Coral Springs residents are given first priority. Must be 7 by December 31 of current year.
Freshman: 7-9 years old
Junior: 10-11 years old
Senior: 12-14 years old
Practice in August
Games in September-November
March and April
Games will be played at Mullins Park.
Coral Springs residents are given first priority. Must be 7 years old by August 31 of the current year. Ages
League is divided into 7 weight classes with competitive tryouts for ages 7 to 14. The team weight classes are: Pee Wee, 80-Pound, 90-Pound, 100-Pound, 115-Pound, 135 Pound, and Seniors.
Competitive tryouts and practices begin in July Games from late August to late November
March and April
Games are played on Saturdays from late August through late November in Broward and Palm Beach Counties. All home games are played at Mullins Park.
Flag Football Cheerleading * 954-753-7461 |
Coral Springs Residents are given first priority. Ages
Girls, 5-14 years old
Boys, 7-14 years old
Practice in August
Games in September-November
Games will be played at Mullins Park.
Tackle Football Cheerleading * 954-390-7369 |
Coral Springs residents are given first priority. Ages
6-15 years old (Must be 6 by Dec. 31 of the current year)
March and April
Tryouts in May; practice begins in July; games from late August to late November (All-Star Game may be played in December); competition in November.
Played on Saturdays in Broward and Palm Beach Counties; home games are played at Mullins Park.
Coral Springs residents and nonresidents
10-18 years old
Practice in January
Games in March to May
Games will be played at North Community Park or Forest Hills Park |
BMX * 954-341-6495 |
All Ages
You can register with the National Bicycle League at anytime during races or practices
State season runs from January to May. Five-star summer mini-series runs from July to November
Races are on Saturday nights. Practices are held Thursdays during the five-star series. During State season, practices are Wednesdays and Thursdays from 6-8 p.m.
Roller Hockey * 954-344-6991 |
Coral Springs Residents given first priority
Boys and girls, 5-17 years old (5-7 street hockey/no skating)
Adults, over 18
Fall: September to December
Spring: January to April
Fall: June
Spring: December
Games will be played at Riverside Roller Hockey Rinks
Warning Statement |
Although participation in supervised athletics may be one of the least hazardous activity in which any youth will engage, by its nature, participation in athletics includes a risk of injury that may range from minor to severe to long-term or catastrophic. Although serious injuries are not common in organized athletic programs, it is impossible to eliminate this risk. Both parents and participants can have the responsibility to help reduce the chance of injury. Players must obey all safety rules, report all physical problems to their coaches, follow a proper conditioning program, and inspect their own equipment daily. Parents must recognize that the programs are designed to enhance the growth and development of their children, place the conditions in perspective, and remember that the athletes' fun and safety are paramount. By registering, you are acknowledging you have read this warning. Those who do not wish to accept the risks described in this warning should not register or participate.
Code of Conduct |
Prior to participation, all players, parents or guardians and coaches must agree to adhere to the Youth Sports Code of Conduct. The code was prepared by the sports Coalition and the Vision 20/20 Sports and Recreation SubCommittee and is supported by the City of Coral Springs Parks and Recreation Department.
The code is intended to promote good sportsmanship, cooperation and respect for coaches, officials, teammates and opponents. |