Tier 3 - 250 hours
Guidelines specific to the Silver Cord Program |
Service performed over the summer or performed as part of an organization that is not sponsored by the school must be approved in advance (See Community Service Application and Approval Form).
General Guidelines for Tiers I, II, and III |
1. All services must comply with the policies of the School Board of Broward County Florida.
2. Student volunteer service hours may be earned in both the school and or the community.
3. Services for which a student receives financial/ or other substantial compensation will not be counted.
4. Participation in and travel to theatrical musical performances, festivals or community events will count as service hours if (a), (b), and (c) below are met.
a. The performance meets an identified community service need.
b. The student/organization does not profit from the performance, including academic credit, letters or financial compensation.
c. Admission is not charged nor donations solicited. |
5. Rehearsal and practice time will count for volunteer service projects created specifically to meet community service needs.
6. Service learning hours documented for community service as part of non-credit granting workshops, programs or conferences will count as volunteer service.
7. Fundraising activities for non-profit charities will count as volunteer service hours as long as the activity complies with Broward County School Board Policies 6206 and 6208 and providing the student is not volunteering for an organization that benefits the school (i.e. a booster club fund-raiser).
8. Activities organized by profit making or non-profit organizations to address a community service need will count as volunteer service hours.
9. Services performed for day care centers, retirement homes, and animal hospitals count for volunteer service hours.
10. Service performed on staff at non-profit athletic or summer music camps for no financial compensation will count as volunteer service hours.
11. Time out of class may not be used for hours, however a maximum of five (5) volunteer hours per week can be earned by participation in an organized, supervised and approved peer tutoring program in which the tutoring takes place during any of the tutor's academic classes.
12. Volunteer work done to promote a particular religious or political point of view or person will not count.
13. In general, service rendered directly to a for profit institution or organization will not count.
14. Service rendered as a precondition to employment will not count.
15. Service for a student's family or family business will not count.
16. Service performed as the result of discipline action taken by the school or the courts will not count.
17. Participation in campus or competitive activities, such as athletics, plays, debate meets, etc. will not count.
18. Service performed as an academic requirement, other than the performed as part of the approved volunteer service learning courses will not count.
19. Babysitting, or similar services performed for an individual family will not count. Babysitting services for school related activities will count.
20. Volunteer hours may not be certified by a family member or fellow student.
21. Service hours will not be awarded for any in kind or monetary donations of any kind, including blood drives, canned food collections, etc.
22. The number of service hours that are earned cannot be doubled or in any way increased by any agency or school for student participation in a specific project. Agencies found to be practicing the doubling of hours will be removed from the list of those agencies approved by the programs.
23. Participation in self-improvement workshops, clinics, conferences or conventions will not count for volunteer hours. If workshops, clinics, etc. have a specific service component, the hours spent on that activity can count.
