
Why should your business sponsor
Coral Springs Student Central?
Do it for the students
Student Central is funded 100% by sponsors. The more sponsors we have, the more we'll have to offer on Student Central. Our goal is to make Student Central into a complete resource of information for students, parents, and anybody else who has an interest in local education and youth.
Student Central is a new addition to CoralSpringspages.com. Our company is proud members of the Coral Springs Chamber of Commerce, as well as the Better Business Bureau, where we have a flawless record. We conduct business in our own neighborhood, and we treat our sponsors like neighbors.
Do business with a neighbor
We are not a large corporation, we are a small family owned business right here in Coral Springs. Our company was founded and is run by myself, Peter Ocello. I have lived in Coral Springs for over 33 years, I graduated from J.P.Taravella, and am a big fan of the city.
I support the city's high standards, and our company has the same high standards. These standards have made our city one of a kind, and have done the same for our company. |
Local exposure for your business
Our sponsors get a lot more than just a banner ad displayed on Student Central. Our sponsorship offers you a whole package of benefits including your own personal page on CoralSpringspages.com, exposure for your business on every page of Student Central, unlimited usage of our employment section and more. Take a moment to visit our Advertise with us page to get all the details.
Big bang for your buck Absolutely nobody offers local businesses as much bang as we do. Did you visit the Advertise with us page? If you haven't, do it now. If you have then I've got to ask you... Why are you still reading this?
Contact us today to schedule an appointment. We'll come to your place of business, go over everything with you once again, and get your sponsorship started. We'll even have your company web page and exposure going within two business days. To schedule your appointment, or ask any questions, give us a call at 954-341-5151 or send us an email if you prefer. |
