Mathnasium Learning Center
11540 Wiles Rd. #4
just east of Coral Ridge Dr.
Coral Springs, FL 33076
Call to schedule appointment
Mathnasium the MATH learning center
Math that makes sense to kids. Teaching kids K – 12th, your kids will love it!
In a recent study, a remarkable 85% of our student’s parents reported a dramatic improvement in their child’s attitude towards math. Mathnasium builds math skills and confidence, yielding overwhelming results!
Our approach is to use sophisticated techniques to determine – with great accuracy – what a student knows and does not know. Next, we tailor-make a personalized and prescriptive learning program. Each student follows the program with the help of specially trained Mathnasium math tutors who provide instruction – and lots of warm encouragement!
For proof of progress, we rely on the student’s report card, independent tests, and parent testimony to measure the speed and magnitude of improvement in math skills, numerical thinking, and attitude.
EVALUATE Comprehensive Written and Oral Evaluation
Mathnasium students are given a two-part diagnostic test. The first is a written test designed to assess the student’s weakness with respect to grade-level material. The second part is a series of oral questions, designed to assess the depth of the student’s understanding of key math concepts and skills.
EDUCATE Customized Program for your Child
We use the results of our assessment to develop a learning plan and courseware which caters to the unique needs of the student. The student is guided by a Mathnasium math tutor when the student visits after school. The courseware focuses on written materials, but may include manipulatives, and other teaching tools. Learning new concepts is balanced with practicing those that have already been learned. Kids “work out” once or twice a week or as often as they like, just like a gym.
VALIDATE Demonstrate – and measure – results
We believe your child's progress (and improved attitude) will be obvious to you, the parent. But we rely on third party proofs of progress: Report cards and standardized assessments, provided by your child's school.
Learning from the successes and failures of other approaches, and from the teaching experience of its creator, The Mathnasium Method uses a unique combination of mental, verbal, visual, tactile, and written techniques to help children learn math.
MENTALStudents are taught how and when to use mental math techniques. This enables them to dispense with needless paper–and–pencil work and focus on the task at hand.
VERBAL Language is used as an integral part of the program. Students are taught the meaning of root words in the mathematics context. Students are also taught how to explain their thought process and reasoning verbally.
VISUAL Meaningful pictures, charts, and tables are used to explain ideas and concepts. Many of the problems in the workbooks are “pictured–based,” providing students with insights into problems that transcend the written words.
TACTILEWhen appropriate, manipulatives are used to introduce, explain, and/or reinforce concepts and skills. The transfer of knowledge from manipulatives to other aspects of learning is carefully monitored.
WRITTEN Written practice with computation (“drill”) is a necessary component of mathematics education. Mathnasium provides for abundant practice. In addition, our workbooks and other printed material provide a framework for the orderly development of mathematical thought and skills.
Many students come through our doors with an “I’m no good at math…I hate math” attitude. Kids don’t really “hate math.” What they hate is being, frustrated, embarrassed, and confused by math.
Being successful is the best way to over–come these problems.Mathnasium provides for success by finding the right starting point (through diagnostic testing) and building confidence and self–esteem through successful encounter and interaction with carefully selected materials.
IN ADDITIONThe Mathnasium Method also provides: *Enrichment at all levels of the curriculum *Advanced work, including topics not usually introduced in the classroom, for students who are ready, and *Intensive remediation, as needed.
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Your Coral Springs Mathnasium Learning Center is located at 11540 Wiles Rd. #4, just east of Coral Ridge Dr. |
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Mathnasium Learning Center 11540 Wiles Rd. #4 just east of Coral Ridge Dr. Coral Springs, FL 33076 954-757-1882 |
Mathnasium Learning Center 11540 Wiles Rd. #4 just east of Coral Ridge Dr. Coral Springs, FL 33076 954-757-1882 |
Mathnasium Learning Center 11540 Wiles Rd. #4 just east of Coral Ridge Dr. Coral Springs, FL 33076 954-757-1882 |
Mathnasium Learning Center 11540 Wiles Rd. #4 just east of Coral Ridge Dr. Coral Springs, FL 33076 954-757-1882 |

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